Stone Age
Table of Contents
Stone age –
Standard tools of the Stone Age:-
The process of cultural evolution started when our human ancestors acquired the skill of making rough stone tools.
These tools resembled pieces of stone which become tool-like (pointed or sharp) due to natural processes.
Paleolithic humans used rough tools and collected their food from here and there.
The tools of the Palaeolithic Age come in three main parts:
Ax, Gandasa and Flake tools.
It seems that the ax was held in the fist.
It was used to cut something or to crush something.
Pale Stone Age tools have been found in many places like Europe, Africa and Asia.
Their size was the same everywhere and they were made in the same way.
Later tools were also made from bone and ivory.
Some tools were also made for making tools.
With the increase in knowledge, mechanical devices were invented.
Like weapons like bow and spear throwing weapon.
Now fighting with more powerful weapons like the dagger/mace than ever before and aiming at distant objects with throwing weapons like the bow or spear
It became possible.
Beginning of community life:-
The main occupation of man in the Late Paleolithic Age was hunting and gathering fruits.
There is no evidence that during this period humans had started farming or even rearing animals.
We do not know anything in detail about social organization i.e. the mutual relations of human beings.
But it is believed that in this era humans had learned to cooperate with fellow humans in the search for food.
Physically, man is less strong than many wild animals.
So he should have known long ago
It was said that unless they live in harmony with each other they cannot survive.
he lived in a group
And the whole group worked together to get food and protect itself.
These communities or clans did not settle at any one place for long.
When his objective changed,
he had to change his place of residence along with his animals.
Sometimes, when a large number of animals were found at a place for hunting,
they would stay there for a long time in empty tents or caves.
Perhaps at that time the status of men and women was equal and social inequalities did not arise.
Palaeolithic art:-
Man first made crude pictures by drawing lines on the walls of his caves,
then within a few thousand years he became a successful artist.
He made great advances in painting, carving and sculpture.
Many caves decorated with this type of art are found in France, Spain and Italy.
There are multicolored paintings on the inner ceilings of some caves.
These paintings and carvings depict fascinating hunting scenes of running wild boars, horses, bears, reindeer and herds of African lambs.
Figures of humans and animals have also been found carved on bones and ivory.
In this way, there was a lot of progress in the art of the Palaeolithic period and even today people praise it a lot.
Many paintings have been found in the caves of hills at many places in India.
It is difficult to determine the dates of many of these paintings.
The paintings of Bhimbetka in Madhya Pradesh are considered to be of the Stone Age.