Population problem of india
Population problem of india –
Since Independence , we have been facing many problems . They are a challenge to us as a developing nation. Problem of population is one of them.
Our population today is above 100 crores second only to China. It is growing at a rate of 2% P . A . This is our greatest headache .
The main cause of the problem is illiteracy . People don’t realize that a large population is a problem. Also , better medical facilities have brought death rate down. Child mortality has also come down. Child marriages and marriages at an early age also add to the problem.
The problem can be felt everywhere. Our schools , colleges and hospitals are over crowded. So are buses and trains. Public services find it impossible to cop- up with this load.
Unemployment is also one of the bitter results of the problem. This breeds frustration and anger among the youth. Crime and anti- social activities are on an increase .
The government has done a lot to educate people in this regard but it has not helped much. Many NGO’s are also working in this field.
The problem can be solved only with spread of education. We all must work at it. It is a serious problem and we can’t progress unless it is effectively solved.
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