Life process class 10th notes
Life process class 10th notes
The maintenance work of organisms should be constant, it continues even when they do not do any special work.
When we are sleeping or sitting in the classroom, this maintenance work should continue.
All the processes that perform the work of maintenance are called bio processions.
Because a maintenance process is required to prevent damage and breakdown, so they will need energy. This energy comes from outside the body of a single organism.
Therefore, the source of energy should have a process for transfer from outside to the organism of the organism.
We call the source of this energy and the process of taking it inside the body. If there is a physical growth in the organism, it will also require additional raw material from outside.
Because life on Earth is dependent on carbon -based molecules, so most foods are also carbon -based.
According to the complexity of these carbon sources, diverse organisms use different types of nutrition processes.
Since the environment is not under the control of any one organism, these external sources of energy can be of a variety.
These sources of energy inside the body require disintegration or construction that should eventually be converted into a uniform source of energy.
It is useful in the manufacture of molecules required for various molecular movements and various organisms for maintenance of the body and growth of the body.
For this, chemical activities inside the body require a unanimous series. Subcutation-irrelevant reactions are some common chemical tips of dissolution of molecules.
For this, many organisms use oxygen from the external source of the body. Receiving oxygen from outside the body and its use in disintegration of food source according to cellular requirement is called respiration.
The entire surface of a cellular organism is exposed to the environment.
Therefore, they do not require a particular organ to receive food, exchange gases or to expulsion themselves.
But what happens when the body’s body size increases and the physical design becomes more complex? Not all cells in multicellular organisms can remain in direct contact with the environment around them.
Therefore, simple diffusion cannot meet the requirements of all cells. We have seen earlier that different organs are specific to perform various tasks in multicellular organisms.
We are familiar with these specialized tissues and their organization in the body of the organism.
Therefore, there is no surprise that the ingestion of food and oxygen is also the function of specialized tissues.
But this causes a problem that although the ingestion of food and oxygen is done by some specific organs, but all parts of the body need them.
In this situation, a carriage is required to take food and oxygen from one place to another.
When carbon sources and oxygen are used for energy in chemical reactions.
Then there are also sub -products that are not only unusable for the cells of the body but they can also be harmful. It is very important to remove these waste products from the body.This process is called emissions.
If the basic rules of body design are followed in multicellular organisms, specific tissue for emissions will develop.
This means that the transport system will be required to transport waste materials from the cell to this emission tissue.
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