Industrial Revolution
Industrial revolution –
The transformation of industry and economy that took place in Britain between 1780 and 1850 is known as the First Industrial Revolution.
This change was given the status of revolution because it brought about fundamental differences in Britain’s economy and society in just a few decades.
There was an unprecedented increase in man’s production capacity, which brought about changes in every aspect of his life.
This revolution had far-reaching effects on Britain.
Later, similar changes took place in Germany and the United States and those changes had a significant impact on the society and economy of those countries and the rest of the world.
This phase of industrial development in Britain was closely associated with new machines and technologies.
These machines and technologies made it possible to produce goods on a larger scale than the earlier handicraft and handloom industries.
Due to industrialization, some people became prosperous, but in its initial phase millions of people had to work in poor and worse conditions.
Women and children were also included in these.
Due to this, protests erupted and movements for social change started.
As a result, the government had to make laws to determine the working conditions of workers.
Early industrialization
- In fact, even before the establishment of factories in England, Europe and India in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, industrial production had started on a large scale for the international market.
- But this production was not done in factories. Historians call this phase of industrialization ‘proto-industrialisation‘.
- Seeing the increasing trade within the country and abroad, the merchants living in the cities started increasing the production of clothes, iron tools etc.
- He used to give advance money to the village farmers and artisans and get them to produce for the international market.
- They used to force the artisans to produce the goods at a fixed time and sell them only.
- Merchants lived in cities but their work was mostly done in the countryside.
- This early industrial system was part of the trade network.
- It was under the control of merchants and things were produced in the homes of artisans rather than in factories. Hundreds of laborers worked under each merchant.
- In this way a large number of people became involved in the web of industrial production, international trade and money transactions.
1857 war , revolution, reasons,results,