Essay on newspaper
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Essay on newspaper
“I am not afraid of hundreds of battalions of an army but I am afraid of a single newspaper.”
Introduction –
A newspaper has a powerful influence in the modern world . Today newspapers published in a number of languages like Hindi , English , Urdu etc. The most important function of a newspaper is to being us the news of the world. They inform us about our country and every important happening of the world . Without them we would be like a frog in a well .
Importance of newspaper –
In a democratic country like India press or newspapers are an important means of forming public opinion. They comment on current events and criticise or appreciate the policy of the government . It is through them that the public comes to know about the problems of the country and the possible ways for solving them. Thus , they educate the public mind and enable them to have their own opinion on matters of public importance . In a democracy they can play a vital role to keep down fissiparous tendencies and create National integration.
“Newspapers are like watch dogs on governments.”
Communication –
Besides this newspapers are also important media of communication between the government and the people. government publishes its plans , programmes , policies and its achievements in newspapers for public reaction and opinion. The people also use the newspaper to praise the Government’s policies or Express – dissatisfaction over them. The newspapers voice the grievances of the people. They serve as a check on the government. They are essential for the proper functioning of democracy.
Advertisement –
Newspaper also serve as important means of advertisement. They help in trade and Commerce by advertising their products or other benefiting schemes for public. The government and companies use newspapers to let the people know about their vacancies for different posts. The newspapers also help a lot of marriageable youths through their matrimonial columns to find out desirable partners. In addition to all these , the newspaper industry also has vast scope of employing people in different capacities . In short , they play a very important role in our social life.
Conclusion –
But the newspapers have some drawbacks too. They serve as means of propaganda for the various political parties. Often sectarian and ambiguous views and comments are expressed through them. The newspapers create communal disharmony by voicing Biased opinions of religious leaders with vested interest. Often they create agitations in public Mind by publishing cheap and misleading our advertisements but misleading advertisements .
But these disadvantage are nothing in comparison to their manifold advantage. They are really a great use for the people. So they should be encouraged by the government also. The Govt.’s recent proposal to introduce prasar Bharati bill is very much welcome . For a democracy , the newspaper undoubtedly has a vital role to play.
“The press in the people’s University.”
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