Essay for my favorite book
Essay for my favorite book –
“My never failing friends are they , with them I converse day by day.”
These lines about books tell us how helpful the books are to us. Books are the storehouse of knowledge . They can help us in difficulties. They are our true friends.
“A good book is the purest essence of a human soul.”
“Good books are like living gods. They bless us as soon as we come in their contact.”
I am fond of reading books . My favorite book is the ‘Ram Charit Manas‘ by Goswami Tulsidas. It is an epic which is read in the North India by everyone people quote from it to prove their point. It is so popular.
The reason is easy to understand. It is the story of Lord Rama. It is written in the language of the people. It has a message for all of us. It presents before us many ideals . Ram is an ideal son ,Bharat an ideal Brother ,seeta an ideal wife and Hanuman an ideal servant. The Ram Rajya attracted Gandhiji because it was based on equality and Justice .
I like it because it gives me guidance. When I have some problem, I read this book. It always has an answer to my question.
Such books are popular in all ages because they have relevant all the times. Everyone should read this great book and get benefit from it.
“some books are to be tasted , some are to be chewed , but there are some which are to be swallowed and digested.”
The Ram Charit Manas come in the last category.
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