जमींदारी प्रथा का खात्मा 1949-56 जमींदारी प्रथा का खात्मा 1949-56 अँग्रेज़ शासनकाल में देश के अधिकांश भागों...
Hindu code bill Hindu code bill 1952 -56 पहले आम चुनाव से भी पहले संविधान सभा में हिन्दू...
1857 war 1857 war Revolution of 1857 – Background- In 1856, Lord Canning became the Governor General...
Neolithic Age Neolithic Age Sankranti stage:- Man made great progress in the Middle Stone Age. Which separates...
Harappa sabhyata Harappa sabhyata – भारत की सभ्यता सिंधु घाटी की सभ्यता एवं संस्कृति:- भारतीय उप महाद्वीप...
Stone Age Stone age – Standard tools of the Stone Age:- The process of cultural evolution started...
British rule in India how many years British rule in India how many years – Arrival of...
Swadeshi movement Swadeshi movement The partition of Bengal added fuel to the burning fire of discontent and...
Harappan civilization Harappan civilization Indus Valley Civilization and Culture: This civilization developed in the north-western regions of...
Buddhism Buddhism Lord Gautam Buddha was the founder of the great religion in the sixth century BC....