Adjective definition and examples
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Adjective definition and examples –
An adjective is a word which qualifies a noun or a pronoun.
किसी संज्ञा या सर्वनाम की विशेषता बताने वाला शब्द विशेषण कहलाता है।
Kinds of Adjective (विशेषण के प्रकार)
(A) Adjective of Quality (गुणवाचक विशेषण)-
The word that shows the kind or quality of a person or thing is called an adjective of quality.
ऐसा शब्द जो किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु की गुणवत्ता या विशेषता बताता है, वह गुणवाचक विशेषण कहलाता है।
जैसे – (1) Raipur is a large city.
(2) You are an honest man.
(3) This is a good school.
(B) Adjective of Quantity (मात्रावाचक विशेषण)-
The word that shows the quantity of a thing is called an adjective of quantity.
वह शब्द जो किसी वस्तु की मात्रा को व्यक्त करे, मात्रावाचक विशेषण कहलाता है।
जैसे – (1) My Mother ate some rice.
(2) I have enough money.
(3) They have no sense.
(4) The doctor has lost all his wealth.
(5) We did not move any further.
(C) Adjective of Number (संख्यावाचक विशेषण)–
The word that shows how many persons or things are meant is called the adjective of number.
ऐसा शब्द जो किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तुओं की संख्या बताता है, वह संख्यावाचक विशेषण कहलाता है।
जैसे -(1) She has one hundred rupees in the bag.
(2) We had been taught many lessons.
(3) Most students like pictures.
(4) Monday is the second day of the week.
(5) The thief stole two crores.
(D) Demonstrative Adjective (संकेतवाचक विशेषण)-
The word that shows or points out which person or thing is meant is called demonstrative adjective.
वह शब्द जो किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु की संकेत से विशेषता बताता है उसे संकेतवाचक विशेषण कहते हैं।
जैसे – (1) You hate such things.
(2) This is the end.
(3) That girl is stronger than you.
(4) This Promise mustn’t be broken.
(5) These mangoes are sour.
(6) Those boys are honest.
(E) Interrogative Adjective (प्रश्नवाचक विशेषण)-
The words that are used as question words and followed by nouns are called the interrogative adjectives.
ऐसे शब्द जो कि प्रश्नवाचक शब्दों की तरह प्रयुक्त होते हैं तथा संज्ञा के ठीक पहले आते हैं, वे प्रश्नवाचक विशेषण होते हैं।
जैसे- (1) Whose pen is this ?
(2) Which book do you want?
(3) Whose shoes are you wearing ?
(4) What things do you read ?
(F) Distributive Adjective (वितरणात्मक विशेषण) –
The words refer to each one of two or more persons or things taken singly are called the distributive adjectives.
ऐसे शब्द जो दो या अधिक व्यक्तियों या वस्तुओं में चुनकर एक-एक की विशेषता बताए, वितरणात्मक विशेषण कहलाते हैं।
जैसे- (1) Each boy has to sign this paper.
(2) Each group is to follow its leader.
(3) Every nation must work for peace.
(4) Either side may win.
(5) The teacher agreed with neither side.
(G) Possessive Adjective ( सम्बन्धवाचक विशेषण) –
The words used to show the relation of the noun with a pronoun are possessive adjectives.
वे शब्द जो किसी संज्ञा को सर्वनाम से सम्बन्धित करते हैं, सम्बन्धसूचक विशेषण कहलाते हैं।
जैसे- (1) This is my pencil.
(2) Which is your house ?
(3) The dog hurt its leg.
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