About my hobby essay
About my hobby essay
Hobby is an activity done in free time. It is a pastime . Its main aim is enjoyment .
People pursue different hobbies. Some play games or read books. Others Sing or dance or paint pictures. Still others collect coins, books or conk and shells.
My hobby is photography. My father is also a photographer and has taught me the basic of the art . My special interest in photographing natural scenes.
For these have two cameras , lots of Rolls and other necessary things. Since I am a student, I do this work during vacations only.
I go to the bank of rivers and photograph the beauty around . Sometimes I go on forest trips. Then I carry everything with me and stay there for days together.
I photograph trees and flowers. If I am lucky , I get photographs of wild animals too. It is really thrilling.
I read books and magazines on on photography. I send my photographs for competition also. I have won a few prizes too.
Photography is an expensive hobby , but is has its own charm and thrill. It is a very good pastime. If necessary, I can take it up as a profession. There is good money in it .
To do something just for pleasure is not easy . Still , I feel that everyone must have a hobby.
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