Nitrogen cycle diagram
Nitrogen cycle diagram
78 percent of our atmosphere is nitrogen gas.
This gas which is part of many molecules essential for life; Like proteins, nucleic acids, DNA.
And R.N.A. And some vitamins. Nitrogen is also found in other organic compounds; Like alkaloids and urea.
Therefore, nitrogen is an essential nutrient for all types of organisms.
Direct use of nitrogen gas present in the atmosphere by all life forms will make life easier.
However, except for a few types of bacteria, other life forms are not able to convert inactive nitrogen atoms into other essential molecules such as nitrates and nitrites.
These ‘nitrogen fixing’ bacteria either live independently or are found in association with some species of dicotyledonous plants.
Generally, these nitrogen fixing bacteria are found in a special type of structure (root nodule) in the roots of leguminous plants.
Apart from these bacteria, nitrogen atoms are converted into nitrates and nitrites by physical reactions.
The high heat and pressure generated in the air at the time of lightning converts nitrogen into oxides of nitrogen.
These oxides dissolve in water to form nitric and nitrous acids and fall on the land surface with rain.
It is then used by various life forms.
What happens to nitrogen after the forms used in making nitrogen-fixing molecules are formed?
Normally plants absorb nitrates and nitrites and convert them into amino acids which are used to make proteins.
There are some other biochemical alternatives that can be used to make other complex compounds containing nitrogen.
These proteins and other complex compounds are used by animals.
When an animal or plant dies, other bacteria present in the soil convert the nitrogen present in various compounds into nitrates and nitrites and other types of bacteria convert these nitrates and nitrites into nitrogen elements.
Similarly, there is a nitrogen cycle in nature in which nitrogen passes from its native form in the atmosphere as simple atoms in soil and water and is transformed into more complex compounds in living organisms.
Then it returns to the atmosphere in the form of ordinary atoms.
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