Noise Pollution Effect
Table of Contents
noise pollution effect –
When the sound produced by an object exceeds the tolerance limit of the ears,
it begins to sound unpleasant.
This is called noise.
In other words, “The unwanted sound which causes pain and discomfort in the ears is called noise pollution.”
Causes of sound or noise pollution
Noise pollution occurs due to the following two reasons-
1. Natural causes :-
Natural sources of noise include thunder of clouds, lightning, stormy winds, sound of water falling from height,
sounds generated by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and sounds of wild animals.
Noise generated from natural sources is momentary and occurs occasionally.
hence its effect is also momentary.
2. Human causes:-
Following are the main human causes of noise or noise pollution:-
1. Means of Transport:-
Among the means of transport, trains, aeroplanes,
two-wheelers, motors are the main causes of pollution.
Such as automated motor vehicles generally making noise of 90 decibels.
2. Industries:-
Industrialization has increased rapidly throughout the world in the last few years.
The number of factories is continuously increasing.
There is noise from the big machines, instruments and other industrial processes used in them.
3. Home appliances:-
Joining the race of modernity, use of home appliances has become common these days.
Nowadays, flour mill, washing machine, sewing machine, cooler, water pump, mixer grinder etc.
are used in homes which generate a lot of noise.
4. Means of recreation:-
Man listens and watches radio, television, tape recorder, movies and videos etc.
for his entertainment. Orchestra, dance hall, stereo music player, D.J.
The sounds made by pop music, cymbals, drums and sirens cause intense vibrations in the eardrum.
5. Social and religious activities:-
In our country, on the occasion of religious and social festivals,
it is popular to broadcast music and hymns in loud voice through loudspeakers.
Apart from this, firecrackers are burst during festivals like Diwali, Dussehra
and marriages which create very loud and painful noise.
6. Defense equipments:-
Use of various defense equipments like guns, cannons, bombs, tankers, machine guns, missiles etc.
produces terrible noise.
7. Mining:-
Use of explosives in mining areas also causes noise pollution.
Noise pollution is also caused by the equipment used for mining and
sometimes rock subsidence during mining.
8. Accidents:-
Various accidents; Noise pollution occurs due to bursting of gas cylinders, bursting of tires of trucks, buses etc.,
fire in armory stores, fire in firework shops etc.
Effects Of Noise Pollution
Sound or noise pollution affects human life as well as other living beings and inanimate objects. As-
(1) Effects on human life:-
Noise affects human life in various ways.
On the one hand, noise has adverse effects on human health
and on the other hand it also reduces his efficiency.
Noise hinders human activities mainly in three ways:
(i) At the level of audible sound-
Ears suffer the most due to noise.
This affects the hearing power.
It is a simple thing that an accidental bomb explosion near the ears causes more deafness.
It has been found through experiments that continuous stay in noisy places for a long time leads to partial or complete loss of hearing power.
(ii) At the level of physiology –
Apart from the ears, noise also affects the heart, nervous system and digestive system.
Due to sudden sudden sound the body system becomes almost uncontrolled.
Yellowing of the skin, dilation of the pupils of the eyes, closure of the eyes are some of its externally visible effects.
(iii) At the level of behaviour-
The effects of noise on human behavior are so complex and multifaceted
that it is difficult to determine them accurately.
Noise prevalent in daily life is considered to be the cause of social tension, fights, mental instability, frustration, madness etc.
(2) Effects on animals and vegetation-
Noise pollution affects not only human life but also other living beings.
Due to noise, animals and birds leave their habitat and go to other places.
Due to extremely intense sound waves, birds stop laying eggs
and pet animals also produce less milk.
Due to the loud sound of mining explosives, animals in the surrounding forests flee.
(3) Effects on non-living things-
Noise pollution has a wide impact not only on living beings but also on nonliving things.
Due to intense sound waves, roofs of buildings shake, glass of windows and doors break and cracks appear in the walls.
[Definite prevention of noise is a very complex problem,
because in its prevention we have to sacrifice the comforts obtained
as a result of modern progress or reduce their number significantly and also keep in mind
that industrial achievements should not be affected by the process of control.
Thus, it is impossible to completely eliminate noise,
but it can definitely be controlled by adopting some effective measures.
From the technical and theoretical point of view,
the noise problem has the following three things at its core:
(1) Source of noise
(ii) path of noise and
(iii) Receptor organ
Therefore, in all noise control efforts, keeping these three in mind and taking necessary steps can be effective.
Following are some measures to control noise pollution:
1.The most straightforward and simple solution is to stop the noise at its source.
Although it is not practical to reduce the number of sources of noise,
yet with the help of law, desired results can be achieved in this direction
by banning old motor vehicles, trucks, motorcycles etc.
which generate excess noise from the main roads and residential areas of the city. can be done.
2. There should be a ban on blowing multi-sounding horns in motor vehicles.
3. Tomorrow-factories should be established away from the city.
4. Various technical arrangements should be used to reduce the noise generated by industries.
For example, in factories, the noise level can be reduced to 90 decibels
by installing noise absorbent walls and mufflers around the machines.
5. Noise can be reduced by proper maintenance of machines in industries.
Apart from this, noise can be reduced by using noise absorbent materials like wood, wool etc. as per requirement.
6. There should be a system of ‘shifts’ in factories having excessive noise.
7. Noise generated by trains can be reduced by construction of ballast less railway tracks.
8. Planes are landed and lifted on special slopes so that there is minimum noise.
9. Nowadays, to reduce the noise of jet aircraft,
noise absorbers are used at the output of their turbojet engines.
10. The engines of jet planes should be placed under the wings
and the exhaust pipe of the engine should be pointed towards the sky.
Efforts are being made to reduce noise by diverting it,
that is, by turning the sound in the opposite direction to the earth.
11. In developed countries, construction of sound absorbent roads
and soundproof buildings is being considered.
12. Noise limit and time limit should be set for the use of loudspeakers
and other sound producing devices in religious and social festivals and marriage ceremonies.
( Noise pollution effect )
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( Noise pollution effect )